Monday, May 23, 2005

Building the Ark...

Here's the actual weather forecast for my area:

After all the rain we've had over the past couple of months, though, here's how most of us actually see it:

Actually, as a result of this lovely weather forecast and the fact that my Music Blog was spammed by those cheesey internet spam people, I've come up with a couple of important pieces of policy for when I'm King of the World:

1) Intentionally spamming people, whether it be through e-mail, message boards, blogs, newsgroups or whatever, is punishable by death.

2) All judges will sentence the convicted on Mondays, before noon.


Annie said...

I'll switch with you - we've had 99 degrees for the past 5 days.

Badaunt said...

We are having WONDERFUL weather. HA HA HA.

(Sorry. It doesn't happen often here and I feel the need to gloat.)

Erica Hanks said...

I'll switch too. It's 110 here! Yikes! I'd love to see a little rain!