Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Post #341

This is the 341st post on Kicked Puppies. That's significant.

You see, 3+4+1=8

8 is the number of my favorite Red Sox player, Carl Yastrzemski.

Crush is the 8th song on the Dave Matthews Band album Before these Crowded Streets. It's a good song.

Also, significantly, 3+4=7
Combine that with the number left over from 341 and you have 71. In 1971 Led Zeppelin IV came out and Tupac Shakur was born.

What does all this mean? I don't know.
Happy 341st post, kicked puppies.

oh, did I mention its actual significance?
I think it will probably be the last post here on the old blog.

The Idiot has kept this up far longer than he ever dreamed he might way back when he started this silliness. It has been a lot of fun, but coming up with something to say day in and day out has been far too much like work.

For those blog artistes who I've come to read and enjoy, fear not, I'll still be around, and my idiotblogger e-mail address still works. E-mail me.

It's been real, it's been fun, it's been real fun.


Anonymous said...

Oh great, just great. I had plans ya know...being manager of your Become King Of the World campaign.


Well, I for one will certainly miss your witty repartee. I hope you drop by from time to time and leave me a zinger LOL

Take care my friend. To me, you will always be (sniffle) The One True Village Idiot.

lime said...

i think the da vinci code talks about thesignificance of 341, that or hitchikers guide to thegalaxy. or maybe it was my stats text. i dunno. but happy 341!

lime said...

you're not allowed to quit, btw:P

coastalcutie2000 said...

You are breaking my heart, you can't quit...


Carrie said...

but.. but.... I just started reading!!!!!

perhaps I'll still get some idiot goodness over at the Haus.

Anonymous said...
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Badaunt said...

Well, that does it. You simply CAN NOT go out on comment spam.

It's a rule.

Marti said...

No foolin'.

Bah!! (Makes evil face at spammer)

(Signing in under old Blogger ID just so I can show my Icon LOL)

Sassy said...

ah, you have 8 comments so far...i hate to ruin that. But I will anyway. :)

We will miss you tons...but please do stick around, even if it's just lurking in the shadows...

Anonymous said...

Oh good lord, no.

Villiage Idiot, you're one of the hottest bloggers out there, and a good writer to boot.

It's hard being funnee day in day out and you made it look easy.

Here's hoping, like Jesus Christ resurrected on the third day, you'll be back.

Suldog said...

Aw, geez, I just got here and I find out you're quitting. It was fun while it lasted...

Anonymous said...
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CozyMama said...


Marti said...

Stopping by everyone on my blogroll.
Wishing you a wonderful holiday season and a glorious New Year!