"Ah," thought I, "it's good to be home."
You see, I went north to my hometown, heretofore referred to as East Bufu to watch my best friend get married. (The groom, Chuck, has been an occasional poster to this blog).
This was no run-of-the-mill wedding. Chuck has been dating his lovely bride for 22 years. Yes, that's right; 22 years. (Chuck's not one who rushes into things).
It was a fantastic wedding that they put a lot of thought and hard work into, and those of us who got to share it with them will forever remember the weekend fondly.
There were lots of pictures and photographers to capture the parties and the receptions, and as I'm an idiot, I of course forgot my camera. I did, however, have my cell phone camera, so I occasionally pulled that out to get the shots that no one else would get. I got a great shot of one of my shoes, for example, when I was trying to figure out how to get the camera to work.
Saturday night, at the official "party after the reception party," I snapped a picture of the pickled eggs that Chuck's family is known for- his father's recipe for pickling eggs is a closely guarded secret. In spite of, or perhaps thanks to, the many beers and jello shots I'd had, I was able to snap the picture AND save it as my phone's wall paper. Now of course, I can't figure out how to get rid of it, but that's ok. I suspect I'm probably the only person in the world to have a picture of Pickled Eggs as their cell phone wallpaper, and that makes me special.
Super special Congratulatory Shout-out to Mr. and Mrs. Chuck; Thank you two for being so awesome and may you have many many many more happy years together.
You have to admire people who take their time and make sure they are choosing their spouse wisely.
My uncle (55) has been dating the same gal since high school, they are getting married next month. I think in the last 38 years they have really had the opportunity to see if this is a viable relationship.
And yes, I think you can safely lay claim to being the only man with a jar of eggs as the background for your cell phone.
I hope you enjoy that honor.
You, Sir, are an indiot. And for that I salute you. Ow!
*hits self in eye with salute*
well, whenever mr. lime gets on me for draggin my heels i will bring up this 22 yr dating relationship. as for the picture of those eggs, if you came down to the lime regions of the country you could get pickled red beet eggs....they are a lovely shade of pinkish purple. we have a giganitc jar for doing just the same thing.
22 years! And I thought we were behind at knowing each other 9, dating for 5.
Wow~ that's amazing! I hope they will be happy together forever!
As for the pickled eggs, well, I dont even know how to work my cell phone, so, I cant help there!
Ok i have to come back and post my stats with Ratburn...known each other for 23 years, dating just about a year and a half, then married for 18 years this April! Over and out!
I have pickled eggs on my cellphone background too...
Just kidding.
Only an Idiot would do something like that.
would you believe Ive never eaten a pickled egg?
congrats mr. & mrs. Chuck!!!
I think 22 years is a PERFECT length of time for an engagement.
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