Two Drunken Moose Invade Home for Elderly
STOCKHOLM, Sweden - They rarely have problems with drunks or rowdy animals, but residents of an elderly home in southern Sweden had to deal with both when a pair of intoxicated moose invaded the premises.
The moose — a cow and her calf — had become drunk over the weekend by eating fermented apples they found outside the home in Sibbhult, southern Sweden, said Anna Karlsson, who works there.
Police managed to scare them off once, but the large mammals returned to get more of the tempting fruits. This time the moose were drunk and aggressive, forcing police to send for a hunter with a dog to make them leave.
Police did not pursue the culprits, but made sure all apples were picked up from the area, local police chief Bengt Hallberg said. No one was hurt.
Man, I love wierd news like that! Too funny! thanks for sharing, I hadn't come across that stroy yet.
We have that problem every year in our apple orchard with drunken crows...lying in the road, fermented apple cores lying all about, slurring words, pissing themselves, screaming and hollering insults, flying around all crookedly, then finally passing out in the dirt. Sheesh!
I KNEW socialism was a bad idea.
That may be the best collection of comments on any blog on the interweb.
Y'all rock!
the idiot
Lord, there's nothing worse than drunk moose...mooses...meece...what's the plural for moose?!!!?
Hmmm...makes you wonder if they REALLY just wandered upon the apples, or if they were strategically placed there for them to get loopy. That sounds like something we would have done for fun when I was growing up in Nebraska along with cow tipping. Fun times.
No one was hurt?? Explain THAT to the drunken moose the next morning!!!
mama duck- i believe it's "mousse" unless they're having a bad hair day, then it's "gel"
Wiccachicky-a drunk mousse conspiracy theory? That rocks!
Snavylyn- think the mousse will be disappointed?
good thing no one was hurt.
I've just planted two in the backyard.
(apple trees, not mousse)
The idiot
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