I've tried, in my usual half-assed way, to get on board. Mrs. Idiot bought me one of those Richard Petty experiences a few years ago and I got to drive a stock car around the track a few times. That was a lot of fun, and those cars are VERY fast, but it didn't take: I didn't become a fan.

The Idiot Racing suit inspired me. I've been wearing
nothing but highwater jumpsuits ever since.
I tried to pay attention to the last two seasons of racing, and even tried to watch a few races. A bunch of my friends have become huge NASCAR fans over the years and they try to help me pay attention and understand the races, but I'm usually sound asleep by lap 30. I mean it, there has got to be something wrong with me on this one. My Sainted Mother said that when I was a baby and wouldnt sleep, she'd often put me in the car and drive around until I dozed off. Could this have something to do with it?

Screw NASCAR, it is as interesting as curling, but without the brooms.
Never get it, never will...the pants aren't even tight for godsakes!!! (Have to visit my blog to get the pants issue ;-) Waterpolo anyone???
thank you for validating me on this one! i do not get it
Your comments were as funny as the post itself. :)
I live deep in the heart of NASCAR country. Here is a bit of help; You spend an entire day waiting for someone to wreck at 200MPH, drinking beer and hollering- "Git er done".
Collectively, with the jumpsuit that you now have, my hints and possibly shaving a car number into the hair on your back, I think you have it.
Good Luck! :)
Don't try so hard.
Its a sign of your intelligence Mr. Idiot that you can't be enthralled to watch people drive in circles for ages and ages.
Oh dear, if you consistently show signs of intelligence, is this going to blow your Village Idiot cover?
What's wrong with curling? I like the sport! (Side effects of loving a Canadian!)
"Curling but without the brooms" is also known as shuffleboard.
Brother in law,
I live close enough to our esteemed northern neighbors that I get to see those wild curling championships, far be it from me to criticize but curling hold my interest about as well as NASCAR, the people sweeping the ice in a frenzy provides the only interest (amusement).
Just saying neither is a sport I watch or enjoy.
Canadians do have many better games up their sleeves.
I. Am. In. Tears. Over. Here.
This post is a) dead on! and b) one of the funniest things I've read in ages.
I'm not only bookmarking your V.I. self, but I'm half thinking of a blogroll link for cripe's sake and I've only read about four of your posts so far.
I about lost it altogether on the photo caption. You have a gift, my friend and fellow New Englander.
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