The Mugshots. Not bad for 3:00am
Ms. Thomas and Ms. Keathley are the former NFL Cheerleaders who were arrested after allegedly getting amorous with each other in the bathroom stall of a Tampa Bay bar. That alleged action was followed by an alleged altercation with other bar patrons who were upset that the two women had used a stall for that purpose when others had to pee.
Yes. That's Right.
For men, this story is the rough equivalent of learning that Santa, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy all exist, and that they're actually very hot women who love to watch football.
I mean, for quite some time I tried to tell my wife that this is how cheerleaders, supermodels, sorority girls, nurses, and several other large swaths of the female species behave, only to be rebuffed with "No, they don't. Shut up and grow up." Eventually, Mrs. Idiot's total conviction that the only place on the planet where coeds have pillow fights in their underwear, where cheerleaders can't even wait to get home, and where supermodels pick up Idiots off the street, was in my increasingly dimming imagination. Now, happily, Renee and Angela have allegedly given us all hope.

So, on behalf of all of us, thank you ladies.
well, that was interesting. The blonde is cute, the brunette not so much, but she looks good in the last pic!!!
My boyfriend spent hours looking up pictures of the cheerleaders last night. Kept saying he was just "reading about the story." Yeah, yeah...and I go to Brad Pitt movies for the acting.
Frecklehead-Yeah, um, just doing research! Exactly!
Jodes! You don't by chance have any cheerleader in you do you?
the Idiot
I say that if they want to make out in a bathroom stall, then let them! Sheesh! What's the big deal?
well, I quite agree, barefoot, but i think it was the bar patrons who had to pee that took exception, allegedly.
yeah blither, mrs idiot does that, and then stands over my shoulder while i look.
I am not showing this to Mr Logo, uh uh
AM I the only one who thinks the dark haired one is fuckin ugly.
And now husbands fantasies will be refueled for decades. Over two compulsive cheerleaders.
PS. I won't be showing this to Mr. 3T either. ;-)
I can't believe y'all aren't sharing this with your husbands, but more, I can't believe that they didn't pick it up on the man radar.
"Hmmm, I sense a disturbance in the cheerleader world... must investigate"
As a matter of fact I do...cheered all thru high school and still have the skirt. Hmmm I feel a future hnt from that skirt.
Yay Jodes!
I KNEW I liked this HNT thing for a reason!
Have a great weekend,
the idiot
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